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$2.53 – $303.31
Save up to 90% with UBURx at pharmacies nationwide. Find more than 1,000 prescriptions for less than $10.
UBURx is a great way to save on your prescriptions. Get exclusive members-only prices at a select group of pharmacies.
How Much Can I Save?
Up to 80% vs. retail price*
Up to 90% vs. retail price*
How Does It Work?
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Where Can I Use It?
Almost every U.S. pharmacy
CVS, Kroger, Albertsons, and thousands of other pharmacies
How Much Does It Cost?
100% free
$9.99/month family
You and up to 5 family members.
Who Should Use It?
If you or your family takes 2+ generic prescriptions.
* Savings estimates are averages; be sure to check prices for your exact savings
Families who fill 2 or more prescriptions each month will typically find savings with UBURx that can beat insurance copays.
Get your UBURx card now. You can cancel anytime.
UBURx is provided by UBURx (A HealthSapiens Company) In applicable states, UBURx, Inc. is the discount plan organization for UBURx.
UBURx can save consumers up to 90% off a medication’s usual and customary price. UBURx does not warranty any pricing data or other information and it is subject to change.
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All Rights Reserved.